În centrul capitalei franceze au izbucnit incidente în Piaţa Bastiliei, un loc simbolic de adunare a mai multor coloane de „Veste Galbene”. Forţele de ordine au făcut uz de gaze lacrimogene şi de un tun cu apă pentru a-i respinge pe manifestanţii care aruncau cu proiectile.
Potrivit cifrelor prefecturii, 22 de persoane au fost interpelate la Paris.
Hairy here at #Bastille as protestors launch projectiles at police. Stones were landing all around us! Police have moved in with #teargas & #watercannons we took shelter behind tree at end of video #GiletsJaunes #Paris #ActeXI pic.twitter.com/qSgP0CyEyy
— Charlotte Dubenskij (@CDubenskij_RT) January 26, 2019
BREAKING: WARNING GRAPHIC FOOTAGE looks like one of the #YellowVest movement leaders just lost one of his eyes.
Again it is very common because of the heavy-handed Macron police tactics that many people lose their eyes during the #GiletsJaunes protests.pic.twitter.com/p2BqhzTR38
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) January 26, 2019