Wine Vision by Open Balkan – a unique opportunity for the development of your wine business!

The second international wine fair "Wine Vision by Open Balkan" will be held from November 16 to 19, 2023 at the Belgrade Fair, under the auspices of the governments of the Republic of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania. Belgrade will be in the focus of the European and world public as the capital of wine, wine tourism and famous gastronomy, and Serbia will once again raise a glass high, in honor of the most successful wine event that celebrates the success and skill of the wine industry.
Alina Costache
06 sept. 2023, 18:22
Wine Vision by Open Balkan - a unique opportunity for the development of your wine business!

Already now, the „Wine Vision by Open Balkan” stands side by side with the three largest wine fairs in Europe. Last year, the first fair gathered more than 350 exhibitors, of which more than 230 exhibitors were from the countries of the Open Balkan Initiative. Thanks to the exceptional success of the previous event, in November of this year „Wine Vision by Open Balkan” will host more than 530 exhibitors, and in addition to wineries and distilleries, distributors, representatives of HoReCa chains and renowned institutes from more than 20 countries will also present themselves.

The „Wine Vision by Open Balkan” owes its success to the fact that it provides an invaluable opportunity to establish connections, exchange ideas and create business opportunities that shape the future of the wine industry.

The key to the „Wine Vision by Open Balkan” lies in the idea of partnership and cooperation. This is precisely why the Fair has not only an exhibition character; the key segment of the Wine Vision is the opportunity for business meetings as well as getting to know the wine scene of the Balkans for all who are interested. Therefore, the first day of the event is exclusively reserved for professionals.

From family wine houses, to HoReCa giants, importers to distributors, wine lovers to wine judges, this event provides a rare opportunity for networking at all levels, as a platform to strengthen existing relationships and create new business alliances within the regional and global wine scene. Through direct interactions, professionals can discover new market trends, learn about innovations and technologies, and create solid foundations for the further growth of the wine industry.

The renaissance of the domestic wine industry is best told by the fact that this year, at the largest and most prestigious world wine evaluation in London, „Decanter World Wine Awards”, Serbia achieved its greatest success so far, winning five gold, 38 silver and 59 bronze medals. With „Decanter”, wines from Serbia for the first time receive the deserved attention of international experts and media, such as Luka Gardini, Peter Moser and „Falstaff”, who with great respect represent the autochthonous varieties of Serbia, but also international varieties that, in their opinion, rival the greatest wine regions of the world.

Wine tourism, together with gastronomy, first of all gives essential authenticity to tourist destinations, and this is what today’s tourists are looking for the most and what modern tourist destinations cannot do without.

Balkan culinary traditions include the original, healthy preparation of home-cooked meals, made from natural, organically grown ingredients, according to the recipes of our ancestors. In line with the gastronomic visions of top chefs, across the region, all attendees will have the opportunity to taste rare morsels of culinary art, heritage and the future, which will be prepared on-site by Michelin chefs.

The tradition of brandy is an indispensable segment of Balkan authenticity, included in the list of UNESCO – the United Nations organization for the protection of cultural and historical heritage. The best brandies in Serbia can be compared with the most prestigious French cognacs and Scottish whiskeys. They win awards at fairs around the world, and their enormous economic potential will be presented at the „Wine Vision by Open Balkan”.

The stimulating environment of the Wine Vision is a unique opportunity to present your wine business, gain new business contacts, share your vision, offer, and become familiar with wine family traditions and present your achievements to the world market.

More information about Wine Vision by Open Balkan can be found on the website

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