EXCLUSIVE Donald Trump Jr sums up Kamala Harris politics: „She’s a radical leftist. She is the daughter of a Marxist professor. The Democrats are trying to paint her as a moderate”

In a revealing interview, Niels Schnecker sat down with Donald Trump Jr. to discuss significant issues surrounding the elections, particularly regarding Kamala Harris, the role of big tech, media, and the influence of external donors.
Filip Stan
26 sept. 2024, 13:34
EXCLUSIVE Donald Trump Jr sums up Kamala Harris politics:

When talking about Kamala Harris, the U.S. Vice President and the Democratic Party candidate in the November elections, Donald Trump Jr didn’t hold back, calling her a „radical leftist”, pointing out her upbringing and her political career.

According to Trump Jr., the media and big tech are painting her as a moderate, but her far-left ideology is clear to those paying attention.

Niels Schnecker: Your name is Trump, there is no way that i will not talk about some issues of elections, so i m trying to understand, it s been a very hard fought campaign, your father has worked very hard the last two years to fight against Joe biden, now all of a sudden we have Kamala Harris. Now with the appearance of Kamala Harris for me at least it’s been a question of how much is she an experiment of neomarxism, how much is she that hard left

Trump Jr : She is the daughter of a Marxist professor, just to be clear ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’. If you’re the daughter of a Marxist professor, if you’re rated the most leftist person in the United States Senate, which she was, if you’re a career politician from San Francisco, there is a solid chance that you’re a radical leftist. She is a leftist, this is what she is. The media and the US, big tech, the Democrats are trying to paint her as a moderate.

Donald Trump Jr, about his father’s shooter: „Very active Democrat donor”

When asked about the fact that about 50% of the American public, according to polls, seems to support Harris, Trump Jr. that taking a conservative stance in America often has consequences, making it harder for people to openly align with the right. He also touches on the media’s influence in shaping narratives.

Niels Schnecker: Agree. Yet, you have about 50% of the American public that is, according to the polls, leaning to Kamala Harris. How did the home of the brave get to the point where 50% of the people are supporting, actually, a communist.

Trump Jr : Propaganda. The reality is that it’s hard to take a conservative stance in America, there are consequences to that. My father understands it better, they’re actually just shooting at him, that didn’t just happen by accident, it happened because for the last 9 years they said he is worse than Hitler, they say this everyday and far worse. Some radicals within the movement, do that, that story was a week ago and it’s like it never happened, it’s just gone. If that was done to a Democrat by a red hat MAGA republican that would be the only thing we hear about. The shooter the other day, very active Democrat donor, sometime featured multiple times in NY Times and other left wing propaganda. It’s an amazing thing, it’s almost like a setup and unless you’re stupid, of course it was.

Trump Jr. recounts the moment of his father’s shooting addressing the normalization of violence against political figures, particularly those on the conservative side.

Niels Schnecker: The shooting, which was a tragic moment not only for democracy, but i imagine what it was for the family. How did you go through that moment, having your father shot through his face in public.

Trump Jr : We got used to some of this stuff. If it didn’t work taking my father out politically they try to impeach him twice, if that doesn’t work they’ll try to take his businesses, if that doesn’t work they’ll try to jail him and now they’re shooting at him. Unfortunately, that seems to have become the norm, created by the left wing apparatus. I was on a boat to my daughter and i get a call „your father has been shot”. And what happened? No one knew. So we got back home, trying to get in as quickly as possible, but they shut down all communication and got my father in a safe location, in a hospital so i didn’t know anything for 90 minutes, only that he has been shot. After we knew everything is good i said „By the way, that was the most badass thing i have ever seen someone do”.

„They have a trillion dollars of free publicity from the mainstream media, which is the marketing arm of the Democrat Party”

On the role of influential figures like George Soros having great influence in politics, especially in eastern Europe, Donald Trump Jr points to the powerful fundraising capabilities of the Democrat machine, which receives enormous support not only from billionaires like Soros but also from the mainstream media, which he describes as the marketing arm of the Democratic Party.

Niels Schnecker: Let’s talk about the strength of your father opponent, we have Kamala Harris that is supported by the Soros family, that has a lot of influence in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine. We haven’t seen a conservative family actually creating the same type of influence as the Neomarxists have done.

Trump Jr : The democrat machine are very good at fundraising, there’s a long history of failure in this administration. This is an election where both parties have been in power, so people can see what they vote. It’s a simple question : when were you better off? There are not people in the world that feel that they are in a prosperous place. The media will tell you whatever they need to tell you in order for them to win. They don’t just have the billions come in from Soros but they have a trillion dollars of free publicity from the mainstream media, which is the marketing arm of the Democrat Party. The real people, the people of America, they get it, they see it.


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