Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week 2024 – an important chapter in the history of Romanian fashion

Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week 2024, an event of capital importance for Romanian fashion, marks the beginning of a new era, under the coordination of the founders, Roxana Voloșeniuc and Mario Antico. The event meant a wide connection between designers, buyers, press, media and academics, with the specific aim of supporting and promoting fashion in Romania and the region. It also represented an incredible opportunity for Romanian designers and guests from Ukraine, Georgia and Italy to be in the sights of the most relevant international buyers, but also of stylists, influencers and invited photographers from four countries.
Alina Costache
21 oct. 2024, 22:20
Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week 2024 – an important chapter in the history of Romanian fashion

„I am extremely happy that Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week demonstrated that ‘Made in Romania’ has gained even greater relevance on the global stage. When the catwalk becomes a bridge between Bucharest and the rest of the world, you know you’re witnessing something really important,” says Roxana Voloșeniuc, Co-Founder of Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week.

„I was pleasantly impressed by the appreciation of the partners from the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana on this first edition and an impeccable organization. All the international guests expressed their desire to participate next year as well. We will continue to invest in this project for an even more successful future edition” adds Mario Antico, Co-founder of Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week.

One of the main stages, the Throne Room in the Royal Palace, was also the venue for some of the event’s most important fashion shows.

Carmen Secăreanu, presented a nostalgic but very current collection, which includes new elements, but also older, recycled pieces, made in the same deeply intellectual & artsy spirit that consecrated it. The cinematic dimension of the collection is punctuated by the lyrical, diaphanous play of the materials used, organza being the designer’s main ally.

One of the hottest designers in Ukraine, Litkovska surprised with a collection of incredible maturity – the key pieces of Litkovska collections, such as austere midi dresses with overlays, reconstructed denim pieces, blazers with a precise, unmistakable identity and white shirts, always adapted, paraded alongside new elements – trench coats made of technological materials, ensembles with applied decorative and sculptural elements.

The Romanian knitwear brand, Ami Amalia, surprised with a fresh, vibrant collection, with pieces in explosive tones and with impeccable styling – the animal print ensembles, the retro touches, the knitted scarves worn on the head, which accompanied each outfit, but and atypical pieces, such as 60’s tunics or long dresses with abstract motifs, prove that even a collection made entirely of knitted pieces can make an important fashion statement.

In the Murmur collection, Andreea Bădală proposes, in addition to the pieces already appreciated by the brand’s customers, also some fresh alternatives for the day, which can be easily converted into outfits for a cocktail or evening – ensembles made of fine woolen fabric, structured dresses and pieces that, permanently , celebrates the female body, away from clichés, ideal measurements or constraints of any other nature.

Rhea Costa proposes perfect color combinations, also highlighted by subtle but essential accessorizing, such as crystal details. Styling has brought to the attention of the public a series of reinterpreted classic outfits, ideal for important events, seasonal parties, but which can easily be integrated in any other context.

Another Romanian brand, Nissa, which had a private internship at the Marble Hall in the premises of the House of the Free Press, surprised with its impeccable and balanced casting, but also with the presence of the fashion influencer, Leonie Hanne. The Nissa presentation is a tribute to femininity, sexuality, and free spirit – extremely strong pieces with emphasis on the body line, statement dresses for the evening, spectacular capes and equally sensual materials, such as jersey, taffeta.

The Almaz show was a huge house success – benefiting from an impressive location, the Nicodim gallery, the narrative thread of the collection, which combined noir, dramatic elements with current influences, inspired by everything that is the coolest in fashion at the moment , proposes a clear vision – the Almaz woman is strong but also sensitive, gothic but also romantic. Long, wide coats, musketeer boots, dresses that capture the sexy new wave, ensembles with punk-glam transparencies, reinterpreted men’s jackets – all are part of the Almaz seduction arsenal.

Manuri brought the dress to the fore – in jersey, in lace, in silk, the dress as a staple in an eternal and versatile wardrobe, as a symbol of explosive femininity and the current spirit of fashion. Manuri’s proposals capture the contemporary woman’s need for freedom, this also translates into the absence of jewels or unnecessary elements – the dress can speak, regardless of the time of day, of a person’s mood, fashion intentions, creative spirit, leaving infinite styling opportunities.
Cristina Săvulescu chose to present her collection through an interactive installation called Talk with a stranger, wanting to emphasize the close connection between art and fashion and made it so that you can admire her new collection in a different and challenging setting .

Minimalism with dark-punk accents stood out in the Gudu collection with pieces that can be made into those essential pieces, which any respectable wardrobe needs – the maxi skirt with an impeccable pattern, the white, asymmetric top made of silk taffeta, or the trench coat with a generous volume.

The Romeo Gigli show was distinguished by an incredibly refined mix of textures – thick linen with silk, taffeta with bast, wool with the finest fabrics – absolutely all pieces manage to fit into the gallery of classic, essential pieces, but they are incredibly new, modern, fresh – striped prints, denim details, muslin trench coats with delicate applications or tops with spectacular frills delighted the audience.

George Keburia surprised with a kind of pop odyssey, from which the specific elements of the Camp culture were not missing – exaggerated details, incandescent applications of crystals, vibrant colors and extremely flashy materials – silk taffeta in electric shades or lace. Napoleonic-inspired hats, t-shirts with funny messages, pearls, banknote dresses & exaggerated proportions turned Keburia’s show into a real tour de force.

The delicate universe imagined by Katea Gri surprises with the softest dresses that follow the line of the body and with extremely sensitive cutouts, with organic shapes. Without abusing accessories, the collection focuses on the eternal feminine – the timeless elegance of the dresses, the blazers with precise lines, the minimalist trains and the controlled chromatics speak to the clear message that Katea Gri wanted to convey – femininity is a state of mind!

The Ermano Scervino show, which took place at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in Bucharest, brought to the stage absolutely all the elements specific to the luxury house – sophisticated knitwear, luxurious materials mixed in the most unexpected combinations, fabulous shearling or velor leather pieces, dresses with lace inserts and suits with impeccable lines, already a trademark of the house.

The designer Elena Reva presented delicate dresses with diaphanous transparencies, silk ensembles in bronze tones, blazers with fluid, delicate shapes, which can be worn during the day, with denim, but also in the evening with the sexiest heeled sandals, revealing tops the line of the shoulders – all can be constituted in a kind of capsule that includes the essence of modernity, but also of contemporary femininity.

Event support

Title sponsor Mercedes-Benz

Institutional partners: Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, Embassy of Italy, Italian Trade Agency, City Hall of the Capital/ARCUB, Italian Institute of Culture in Bucharest, Confindustria, Embassy of Moldova, Embassy of Ukraine, Embassy of Georgia.

Academic partners: UNArte, NABA, UAD.

Auchan sustainability partner

Main partners: Banca Transilvania, Fashion Days, Raffaello, glo, Băneasa Shopping City, Filorga, Glow Healthy, Isdin.

Partners: NN, Peroni, Pepsi, Vodafone, adidas, Schwarzkopf Professional, PUPA Milano, Wizz Air, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Endorphin Lab, Terminal of Fashion, Evian, Martini, Euromedia, Carpet & More, Divani & Sofa, Bucharest Airports, Media Trust.

Official Knowledge Partner: Ernst&Young.

About Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week

Bucharest Fashion Week is the first international fashion event in Romania, dedicated to the promotion of local designers and the transformation of „Made in Romania” into an internationally acclaimed label. This extraordinary event brings together fashion designers, potential clients, industry professionals and fashion enthusiasts to celebrate the art of fashion and foster global networking. Bucharest Fashion Week 2024 will take place on October 15 and 18, 2024, in iconic locations in the center of Bucharest, Romania.

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