Political scandal in Slovakia! The reaction of the former prime minister of the country, Robert Fico, after he was accused! His open letter: „The situation in Slovakia is worse than in Romania, where similar political purges took place a few years ago”

Unprecedented political scandal in Slovakia. Former Prime Minister Robert Fico is defending himself in front of the country in an open letter after a series of serious accusations were brought against him, which he blames for political revenge.
Alina Costache
23 apr. 2022, 18:01
Political scandal in Slovakia! The reaction of the former prime minister of the country, Robert Fico, after he was accused! His open letter:
Political scandal in Slovakia

Political scandal in Slovakia! Following the famous model of the Romanian DNA, Robert Fico now seems to be the victim of a system set up to throw him behind bars after a long period in which he was one of the most influential political leaders of the country.

Fico was twice the country’s populist left-wing prime minister, from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2012 to 2018. He resigned after the assassination of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova in 2018. He is currently the leader of the Slovak opposition, and is also a member of the SMER party – the Social Democratic Party.

In an event letter that shakes the political scene in Slovakia and in Europe, he compares his situation with that of several Romanian politicians who have been subjected to the same „treatments” by the judiciary. Without further ado, former Prime Minister Robert Fico says in the letter: „The situation in Slovakia is worse than in Romania, where similar political purges took place a few years ago.

Apparently, it has fallen into disfavor with the Slovak system, which seems to function extremely similarly to the one in Romania. Most of the charges against Fico are based on several testimonies from famous Slovak detainees. Exactly according to the Romanian model in which prosecutors forced various „defendants” to make false allegations about the people they were hunting.

In Fico’s case, it appears that one of the whistleblowers and witnesses in his case has testified in 86 other cases and is accused of serious economic crimes, with the businessman in question having several contracts with the Slovak state.

Below is the full open letter he addressed to the President and Prime Minister of Slovakia.

Robert Fico’s open letter: This is “political vengeance”

Dear Mr./Modom President,

Dear Mr./Modom Prime Minister,

Dear Mr./Modom Federal Chancellor,

I am addressing You as the former three-time Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, who, together with You or Your predecessors, spent ten years addressing the serious agenda of the European Council.

For two years as Chairman of the strongest opposition party, I have been Growing attention to the gross abuse of criminal law in Slovakia in order to obliterate the opposition. For this purpose, the current government has created their own system of penitents – people suspected of serious crimes, who on order provide false statements jar relief and financial gain.

The government nominated the lawfully convicted perpetrator and longtime politician D. Lipsic, who never hid his hatred of the current opposition and who is politically directly connected to the current government coalition, as the head of the  Special prosecutor‘s office that covers this abuse of criminal law jar political purposes.

The European Commission was informed in detail of all the circumstances. The situation in Slovakia is more serious than in Romania, where similar political purges took place several years ago. This is also confirmed by the fact, that in a record short time the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic has already issued 15 decisions violating the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons who have become victims of the abuse of criminal law for political purges.

As an opposition leader, I have been charged three times in the last 18 months jar crimes related to my political work. In one case, I was even brought to the police station to present me from participating in a legitimate anti-government protest.

On April 20, 2022, I was charged for the fourth time together with the former Minister of the Interior R. Kaliñâk (currently detained) for founding a criminal organization while serving as Prime Minister (2006-2010, 2012-2018).

The absurdity of the accusation lies in the fact, that we were supposed to obtain truthful information about tax fraud of the former President of the Slovak Republic A. Kiska and the former Prime Minister, currently the Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic l. Matovic, and provide it to the public through press conferences.

The entire charge is fabricated, built on testimonies of legendary Slovak penitents (one of them has already testified in 86 cases and is accused of the most serious economic crimes, but is at large and receives a rewards in form of giant multimillion-euro government contracts) and all Illegal procedures, which we’ve been highlighting for two years were used.

The accusation of founding a criminal organization serves only for the purpose that the entire criminal prosecution is managed by a special prosecutor D. Lipsic – a long-term political opponent and one of I. Matovic’s closest political associates, who openly, as a member of the government, threatens the opposition with imprisonment.

It is an unseen attack on the opposition in order to oust the opposition leader and put him into custody at all costs, as was stated by the President of the Police Force – the political nominee of the current governing coalition.

Extremely serious is also the detention of prominent Slovak lawyers M. Para and the already mentioned R. Kaliñâk, who represent politically persecuted persons in the most sensitive cases and who openly criticize illegal practices. This is a clear attempt by the government to destroy the legal defense and to violate the right to counsel as much as possible.

The events in Slovakia are alarming, the government has lost all public trust, so it has decided to obliterate the opposition through criminal law. I would welcome you to pay attention to what is happening in Slovakia within your demanding duties.

It has nothing to do with democracy, the rule of law and it is a gross trampling of the principles on which the European Union stands„.

Letter to EU PM by Oana Anghel on Scribd

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