The fugitive politician Cristian Rizea, protected by the President of the Republic of Moldova and by the Russian Secret Services

In December 2017, the former PSD deputy Cristian Rizea was sentenced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice to four years and eight months in prison as he was found guilty of influence peddling, money laundering and influence of witnesses. The politician was charged by the National Anticorruption Directorate because he directly claimed EUR 300,000 from a businessman, in the form of two fictive loan agreements.
Romania TV
12 oct. 2020, 17:44
The fugitive politician Cristian Rizea, protected by the President of the Republic of Moldova and by the Russian Secret Services

Rizea claimed money and in return he promised to intervene – which he did – at Autonomous Company for State Protocol Patrimony Administration and Chiajna Town Hall, so businessman’s personal issues could be easily solved. 

In order to hide the true source of the money received by Rizea, four fictive loan agreements were closed. Also, the former PSD deputy is accused that, in 2015, after the investigation began, he approached two witnesses and asked them not to tell the truth to the prosecutors. He promised them that, if he becomes mayor of the 5th District of Bucharest, he will offer them a commercial space in Cotroceni Area, for them to open a new clinic.

GÂNDUL.RO reporters will present, exclusively, details about the way Rizea succeeded to move to Chișinău, who has his back and what does he do every day. As our journalists revealed last year, Cristian Rizea lives a quiet life in Chișinău, free and with no financial problems.

Apparently, he does not work, but he has enough money to own an apartment in the most luxurious area of Chișinău, in the Crown Plaza Park, situated on 96/1 Bucharest street. Also, the fugitive politician drives a luxury car, takes his kid to a private school and he provides for a wife and a mistress, spending most of his time between luxury restaurants and his mistress’s apartment. Our sources told that Rizea goes almost daily to his mistress, who lives on 24/1 Lev Tolstoi Street, entrance B. When he visits her, he parks his car in front of ”Supermarket No 1”. They used to go outside for a walk. Lately, they do not see each other in other places than her apartment.

How he planned his run and how he obtained Moldavian citizenship

Thinking about his imminent conviction, Cristian Rizea started the procedure to obtain Moldavian citizenship back in 2008, through the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova.

GÂNDUL.RO sources show that obtaining those documents would have been impossible without the direct involvement of the Moldavian clerks affiliated PDM and PSRM, especially the ones who were responsible for preparing and signing the citizenship decrees, which means directly from the Cabinet of the Republic of Moldova President, Igor Dodon. The request to expedite the procedure for citizenship came from Artur Gumenic who, at that time, was President’s adviser for defence and national security (Secretary of the Supreme Council of Security).

This explains how Rizea family landed without any problems in Chișinău, on February 1st, 2019. In addition to the relationship with the Moldavian Security Service, which is explained by the connection with Gumeric, who became deputy, in order to create other local connections, Rizea received the support of a former colleague of Romanian Social Democratic Party.

Among local supporters there are some influential businessmen like Silvia Radu, candidate for president of Republic of Moldova in 2016 and Valentin Vizant, businessman who has tight connections with politicians from Chișinău who were in former President Vladimir Voronin’s entourage, as well as Vladimir Plahotniuc. Also, the luxury car Rizea drives is registered under Vizant name.

The proof he has protection from Dodon!

It is interesting the fact that the issuer of Rizea’s passport is ASP (Public Services Agency), which means it was issued without him being present. Normally, Moldavian passports are issued by CRIS.

A simple analysis of the way Cristain Rizea lives in Chișinău shows that he enjoys a great amount of support from Vladimir Plahotniuc, but also from Igor Dodon, and there is no doubt he has a relationship with secret services:

• the former member of Chamber of Deputies obtained Moldavian citizenship for him, as well as for his family. This was not possible without Plahotniuc support, and then Dodon’s support, taking into consideration the fact that he had a conviction in Romania;
• him and family members received a set of documents with different names, like Mihai Cristian Luigi, Mihai Josett-Anne-Marie and Mihai Albert Cristian, which was not possible without Artur Gumeniuc’s involvement, who has a tight relationship with Russian Intelligence Services;

• he lives a luxurious life, although he does not have a constant source of income. Taking into consideration this aspect, there is one relevant question: what does Cristan Rizea / Mihai Cristian Luigi offer in exchange of protection and money to live such a luxurious life?

How does he repay his protectors?!

Taking into consideration recent disclosures of Cristian Rizea – ”Rizea’s Confession”, we can definitely conclude that Igor Dodon and the Russian Intelligence Services started launching a series of attacks against our country through Cristian Rizea, a smear campaign against Romanian political class and libel campaign against some persons.

The book is basically an attack against all the people who offended the author, especially against NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoană, and he also tries to induce the idea that Romania is a corrupt country, in which democracy and state authority are diminishing.
These days, Mihai Cristian is presenting himself as the Director of the TV Station Realitatea in Moldova, which is derived from the Romanian TV station Realitatea, controlled by Maricel Păcuraru. Also, this TV station offered free advertising space for Igor Dodo during electoral campaign, another sign that Rizea has connections with the leaders of Republic of Moldova.

Sources from Rizea’s entourage tell about a recent trip of Păcuraru to Chișinău, to close the deal with the fugitive politician. The deal between the two of them was for Rizea to reveal information about Păcuraru’s enemies, and in return Păcuraru would endorse Dodon on his media channels. Also, it seems like Păcuraru will give Rizea broadcast space to talk about his so-called ”disclosures”.

In conclusion, we see the same ”ingredients” used in Russia’s actions, which confirms that its influence still exists in Republic of Moldova – Igor Dodon having chances to be re-elected as president – but, furthermore, it aims to extend its operating area to Romania. Dodon has a predilection to protect fugitives; the moment he secretly met, in Greece, with Vladimir Plahotniuc, is also notorious. During this operation, which took place in August, Bulgarian oligarch Vasil Bojkov was allegedly involved. The Bulgarian offered Dodon his yacht to go to the meeting with Plahtoniuc. The information was revealed by the journalists from Republic of Moldova and it happened exactly when Moldavian judges issued a warrant for Plahotniuc, who was accused of fraud, money laundering, organizing a criminal group.
Dodon is known for protecting fugitives, and Rizea is one of the beneficiaries of the ”immunity” granted by the Moldavian president.


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