Unforgivable! G4media serious Putinist slippage! The site published anti-EU and NATO opinions in the opening, accusing Europe and the North Atlantic Alliance of wanting the escalation of the war in Ukraine! Exactly these ideas were supported by Vladimir Putin in his last speeches!

In this way, the editors of the site basically offered a promotional "springboard" for a series of Putinist ideas supported by László Kövér, the president of the Hungarian Parliament.
Filip Stan
04 mart. 2023, 16:18
Unforgivable! G4media serious Putinist slippage! The site published anti-EU and NATO opinions in the opening, accusing Europe and the North Atlantic Alliance of wanting the escalation of the war in Ukraine! Exactly these ideas were supported by Vladimir Putin in his last speeches!

Another slap on the already thick face of Romanian journalism. The G4media website was today the protagonist of a downright scandalous episode. The editors of the news portal took over and propagated to thousands of readers Russia’s narratives using anti-EU and anti-NATO ideas.

Although it seems hard to believe that someone with experience and claims of „deontology” can commit such an error, nevertheless the gross slip was not fixed until the time of publication of this material. G4media.ro continues to open an article that presents accusatory opinions, including Finland and Sweden, and advocates for their exclusion from NATO.

Whole pieces of Putin’s speeches can be found in an article in which the statements of the President of the Hungarian Parliament are presented.

„The Finns and the Swedes are causing serious damage to our national interests/ The EU and NATO are intensifying the war/ There are strange similarities with the periods before the world wars” is the title of the article in which whole pieces of Russian rhetoric are found and are packaged as „news” to the public in Romania.

The ideas of the President of the Hungarian Parliament favorable to Vladimir Putin were taken over and exposed extensively by G4Media, thus poisoning the Romanian public with the extremely dangerous opinions of some political leaders of questionable moral probity.

In this way, the editors of the site basically offered a promotional „springboard” for a series of Putinist ideas supported by László Kövér, the president of the Hungarian Parliament.

Throughout the article, the G4media journalists never felt the need to distance themselves from the anti-EU and anti-NATO statements, practically leaving the text to be extremely harsh and firm without any particle that would induce the readers at least the idea that it might be these statements should be putative ones.

The extremely blunt text also makes references to Brussels’ interference in Hungarian state politics and accuses the European Union of manipulating various small states in the direction that Europe’s de facto leaders want.

The kind of speech torn as if from Putin’s hours-long monologues. In this way, G4media fuels the Romanian public with anti-EU and anti-NATO attitudes and approaches. Manipulating readers by presenting Putinist ideas as the statements of a political leader other than Vladimir Putin is the most „perverse” method of digital propaganda.

It should be mentioned that the same editorial team from G4media has deeply corrupted public opinion in Romania several times over the last few months. G4media journalists led a virulent campaign against Romania’s accession to the Schengen area and much more recently they were the protagonists of some journalistic materials explaining to the readers why Romania should not take any action against Ukraine in the case of the Bastroie canal.

The media lynching that G4media did against journalists and competing media entities should be applied first of all inside the G4media editorial office, where the author Andreea Pavel, most likely a pseudonym used by the entire editorial office for anonymity, published a detached text under her signature as if from the textbooks of propaganda 2.0 from Moscow.

The double standard applied by those from G4media cannot be accepted as a rule of good practice that should be „suggested” to all journalists in Romania.

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