Victor Ponta reports abuses against former Slovak Prime Minister, Robert Fico! “The file wars in Romania is now applied to others as well! Eastern European Prime Minister removed from government through „anti-corruption campaigns”

The former Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, is the victim of a political revenge in his own country, being accused according to the model of the famous DNA in Romania. Now, the former prime minister of Romania, Victor Ponta, subjected to the same treatments the other day, is defending the Slovak politician.
Daniel Spătaru
26 apr. 2022, 18:21
Victor Ponta reports abuses against former Slovak Prime Minister, Robert Fico! “The file wars in Romania is now applied to others as well! Eastern European Prime Minister removed from government through

Robert Fico is currently the leader of the opposition in Slovakia, and is also a member of the SMER party. Most of the charges against him are based on several testimonies from famous Slovak detainees, according to the Romanian model in which prosecutors forced various „defendants” to make false allegations about the people they were hunting.

In fact, in a letter that shakes the political scene in Slovakia and in Europe, he compares his situation with that of several Romanian politicians who have been subjected to the same „treatments” by the judiciary. „The situation in Slovakia is worse than in Romania, where similar political purges took place a few years ago„, wrote Robert Fico.

Read also Political scandal in Slovakia! The reaction of the former prime minister of the country, Robert Fico, after he was accused! His open letter: „The situation in Slovakia is worse than in Romania, where similar political purges took place a few years ago”

Apparently, Robert Fico has fallen into the disfavor of the Slovak system, which seems to function extremely similar to the one in Romania.

In this regard, former Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who was subjected to similar treatment by DNA, took a stand and reacted vehemently, with a post entitled: „The dossier in Romania – now applied to others, but only in the East Europe”.

People in Romania are tired and fed up of the circus with „files”; they just want to know what the future holds for them economically; they have long understood that, in our country, the so-called anti-corruption fight was just a fight by which „uncomfortable” politicians (good or bad) were eliminated in favor of the „disciplined”. And „Corruption Kills” was the most cynical method of political struggle, shamelessly built by unscrupulous people on the tragedy of innocent people!

The „anti-corruption” strategy implemented by the „Basescu – Kovesi” Tandem led to 5 Prime Ministers under investigation in Romania: Năstase, Tăriceanu, Ponta, Grindeanu, Orban – all for accusations unrelated to the position. 4 were completely acquitted (Adrian Năstase was convicted in the unlikely conditions and under such well-known pressures) – but the political effect was achieved. Of course, the prosecutors who made the files completed with acquittals were promoted in Brussels as a reward, with salaries of thousands of euros (even Portocală and Uncheşelu are well). And their methods are now used in other countries, but only in Eastern Europe (there is just no one corrupt in the West – God forbid – all politicians there are saints).

„Romanian recipe”: when politicians from Eastern Europe show signs of too much „indiscipline” they are removed from government through „anti-corruption campaigns” and all sorts of alliances (like PNL – USR). After that, some „serious facts” are found (usually older than 10 years) and the files are released. If it does not manage locally, then the European Prosecutor’s Office in Brussels will appear „in support”. What happens next doesn’t matter – the political effect is achieved. It doesn’t matter if they were good or bad – that’s not why they are put in a „mixer” – but for „indiscipline”!

This is how I found out that in Slovakia the former Prime Minister Robert Fico (now the leader of the Opposition) is being investigated for „organized crime”! In Bulgaria for the former Prime Minister Borisov went to Sofia „herself” Mrs. Kovesi to announce the „file”. Former Prime Minister Babis is being investigated in the Czech Republic for „European funding fraud” from a time when he was not even in politics. In Hungary and Poland, they have not yet been able to apply the „Romania method” – but efforts continue.

In Romania, political „files” have destroyed more than any act of corruption – and I am convinced that not only out of stupidity or malice! I cannot forget or forgive the fact that in 2014 the contract for the construction of the “Comarnic – Brasov” Highway was blocked by Basescu and Kovesi with obviously invented accusations. But, instead of being ready in 2018, in the „Year of the Centenary of the Union” and now we are waiting for the first meter of asphalt to connect Transylvania and Banat with Muntenia and Moldova. And Mr. Iohannis, after 8 years of presidential mandate and 7 changed Prime Ministers, is going to Sibiu also on the road made by Ceausescu!

Now in Romania it is quiet (for now) – it is the President who „needs” and the Government „who needs”. Kovesi has other „targets” and other victims in Eastern Europe. The PNL no longer has Gorghiu in the lead to oppose anything. The money comes from the European Union (as too many have printed it anyway and have to invest it somewhere). It’s time to build what we were not allowed. It would be a shame to miss again!”, wrote Victor Ponta, on Facebook.

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